Sunday, July 15, 2012

'Individuals' Europe

After a month in Europe, I have had the opportunity to meet some really cool people. Here is a small sample from my ongoing campaign to take portraits of the people I meet along the way. We usually get to spend some time hanging out talking. This is so, once the images are published to my webpage, you can find out a little about them too. These make for some fun conversations as not everyone speaks the same language. Luckily, within most places my native German and English have been well enough understood.

This project, an extension of last years US cross-country drive (!/FEATURED) has been one amazing ongoing meet & greet with personalities and characters truly unique. Not all the images are perfectly executed, however each experience is something new and special and combined with the photograph becomes timeless in itself.

I hope you will enjoy the below preview and continue to check back while the project rolls on and I find more time to write the articles and post the images to my page (