'Picture Of The Week'
Welcome to my 'Picture of the Week' section. Here you can view a mash-up of works from the past few years. Most of these images are not up to date but more a re-visit into older portfolios. I hope you enjoy the photographs and continue to check back in!
Hanging out at the beach one night with some friends, enjoying a bonfire and a few brews, we set up a little shoot. Here, a buddy of mine was having some fun poi-spinning with fire. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to attempt a few lighting tricks to capture this unique image. Using only speed lights, we needed to create a moon-lit effect with the warmth of fire for the foreground. Also, Using a high enough ISO to still see some of the beach in the background... put it all together and one has this fun yet dramatic nightscape perspective.
As part of a catalog shoot for a New York designers' spring 2011 line. Here we opted to use people that worked for the local store as models for the shoot. The idea was not to hire professional models but to have the girls that wear the merchandise on a daily basis-- regular every-day people that may buy the clothing step in as our talents. We spent an entire day running round from location to location with a total of six models.
-Santa Barbara, California-
Above, A small project I set up with friends in Germany. Here, a conceptual ant-smoking Public Service Announcement shoot. We set this up in a small-town bar that belonged to a buddy, collected a few props, a fog machine and a few cigars. When lit with a few colored gels and some umbrellas we get this dramatic image.
Here, to continue the tradition called Coca-Cola... One of the studio additions to the be classic, drink classic campaign. Photographed on black glass and using some studio tricks to creating a chill. One of the more fun studio set-ups with a decent result to prove it. The ongoing project should produce more images soon.
Part of a 'be classic, drink classic' campaign photographed in Santa Barbara. Here, the concept involved modern girls in their environments. Once they open a bottle of classic coke they transform into their favorite icons from history. We used such names aas Marilyn Monroe, Lucile Ball, Cher and of course the above of Billy Holiday. Again, everything was photographed using only Nikon Speedlights with various lighting modifiers to create the desired effect.
-Santa Barbara, California-
Also One of the images from the lifestyle/fashion and catalogue shoot from back in the day. Here we wanted to play with symmetry within the scene. For this image to work, we placed a light directly behind the models (on hindsight, slightly harsh). My assistant held a fill from across the pool as I spent the time trying to hold the camera above water, while doggy-paddeling and attempting to direct and maintain a symmetric perspective--fun fun fun.
Part of a small 'studio' portrait project I was working on some time back... Here, using a 'triangle light' style, I could shoot mobile with my speedlights, a diffuser as a backdrop and one umbrella at camera angle. Each person was allowed to choose a color gel of their choice for the rim-light and boom...we had fun. Now these are by no means perfect-- maybe too much light spilling onto the face but it shows what a few mobile strobes and a little ingenuity can get you when on the go.
-Rehoboth Beach, Delaware-
Some more concept fun: "Destruction Barbie" This project was just a play with light... The set contains multiple different versions and outfits from this very 'cool' lighting style to a moon-lit version over a sunset light version-- basically we were playing with various moods. I like this shot because its simple yet effective in its execution. One of the other ones can be seen in the 'portfolio mash-up' post on the main page...
-IslaVista, California-
Luxemburg City... Here, I had to hang over the side of the city wall (seen right) to capture this image. For this to work, I patiently sat and waited for the perfect balance between natural, sunset lighting and artificial lighting in the scene. As said, this is a balance and not what most people would do in a lazy digital world and create and HDR, multi-layered image. As a result, the image has the balance one would expect without using a digital 'cheat' if you will. Being a small, yet beautiful town this is one of the more unique locations for an amazing image. I would recommend a day-trip to this town for anyone interested in old cities, great chocolate and friendly people!
-Luxemburg City, Luxemburg-
Part of a project from my last cross-country drive was to choose various scenes that were interesting and transform them into charchoal drawings, then place them in the scene and photograph them overlaping the original. This project contains about 15 sketches and can be found on the stand-alone blog page here: https://acrosstheusa2011.wordpress.com
-Grand Teton National Park-
Here, a typical image of a Cali-Girl hangen with her Oldsmobile along the beach in Montecito, California. This location and the surrounding areas are some of the nicest spots on the west-coast. Also, This view of a beautiful California sunset gives one that special feeling of serenity.
-Cali-Girl- California-
Here is a shot from a set I did some time back. The concept of the shoots, where basically 'what could happen if your bbq session went terribly wrong.' this is the fourth image in the project and by far not the most extreme. Since this blog is dedicated to a more neutral line of work safe for all to view, the other images will not be posted until a new website can be built. Hopefully soon I will be able to do so and share some of my favorite concept shoot.
-BBQ-04, California-
-Carl & Heather Drew-- Nashville, Indiana-
During my stay in Germany, I persuaded my friend Matze to pose with his old Mercedes Unimog. To do this we had to find a good location for the image to portray the right feeling. With my sister as my assistant, we all jumped in the truck-- my sister decided to sit in the flat bead with all the chainsaws... We took a rather zig-zag drive through the forest on barely visible trail, where only this style vehicle may pass. Once arriving on location, my sister had obtained a couple bruises from bouncing around. We set up this image using a large umbrella and two speedlights to optimize output. After capturing this image, we spent some time capturing Matze cutting trees. We drove some more trails before dusk began setting in and we had to call the shoot. This photograph is also part of my personal top ten from my collection of portraits.
-Matze Vogle -- Steinenbronn,Germany-
Here we had the chance to take the Newberry family out to an old Monastery to capture some awesome family pictures. Above, the father and son-- I had them pose in-front of this gate looking out in to one of the many court yards of the property. The image was a bit bland as there was no light under this portion of the building. We solved this issue by placing a flash in the hallway with a gel (filter), this gave use a nice warm tone and allowed the railing to shadow from behind, adding a bit of drama. Using a speedlight on camera as fill, we placed an umbrella to camera right as our key light.
-Newberry Family, Germany-
This shoot was a 'structured shoot.' What this means is, everything was planned and drawn out on paper-- from lighting positions and output, to locations, wardrobe, pose and of course exposure and general composition. This is a very well-planned shoot and allows for better coverage within the given time allowed to shoot on property...again, planning is everything! Sport shoots are some of my favorite style photography. Well, the set-up portraiture style-- you won't catch me shooting from the side-lines much. The 'structured' shoot allows for commercial-style lighting with dramatic poses and angles. It really is so much fun to see these images completed. The above shot for instance, has a fog machine in it to add drama and style. More of these pictures will be found soon on the new web-page, so check back then!
-'Warriors,' Carpenteria High School, CA-
Nick is an old friend from high school and we set out do do this shoot as a gift to his family. Located in historic Lewes, Delaware, the state park overlooking the bay is a beautiful spot to take pictures. we spent an hour out here along the beach and after sundown on the fishing pier. The weather was mostly gray that day so we needed to improvise. luckily there were clouds perceivable and it wasn't just a nasty gray blanket. This allowed us to fake sunlight using a flash with a gel (filter) on it. without this light the image would have been flat and far less flattering.
-Nick & Noah - Lewes, Delaware-
This picture was captured towards the end of my first cross-country trip. Driving from Delaware to California for the first time was a new adventure and an exciting eight days of zig-zag style exploration, till finally I ended at my destination in gorgeous Santa Barbara. The above image was obviously photographed at the Grand Canyon... I was sitting near a ledge overlooking this view and engaged in conversation with a lady in these bight colors relaxing next to me. Before we departed our separate ways, I naturally ask if she'd be kind enough to allow me to photographer her. This image is still one of my favored images among my work, it speaks 'me,' my language and my soul. It does sound cheesy, but the elements of her attire, with the slippers and the Holga camera overlooking this great vast expanse of unknown-- this new frontier. I guess, simply put, this image is inspiring.
-Grand Canyon, Arizona-
Above, you can find another of my favorite images of all time. The sun had just set under the horizon. With two flashes on light stands, symmetrically directed from both left and right to the models, its near perfect. The warm light from the flashes really worked with the symmetry of the pose and rock/wood sculpture. With the location in Montecito, California, this presented itself to be a memorable spot to shoot. The rest of this 'stock' shoot was spent walking the beach and posing in natural, fun poses depicting a young, energetic couple.
-Montecito, California-
Welcome to my 'Picture of the Week' section. Here you can view a mash-up of works from the past few years. Most of these images are not up to date but more a re-visit into older portfolios. I hope you enjoy the photographs and continue to check back in!
Hanging out at the beach one night with some friends, enjoying a bonfire and a few brews, we set up a little shoot. Here, a buddy of mine was having some fun poi-spinning with fire. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to attempt a few lighting tricks to capture this unique image. Using only speed lights, we needed to create a moon-lit effect with the warmth of fire for the foreground. Also, Using a high enough ISO to still see some of the beach in the background... put it all together and one has this fun yet dramatic nightscape perspective.
As part of a catalog shoot for a New York designers' spring 2011 line. Here we opted to use people that worked for the local store as models for the shoot. The idea was not to hire professional models but to have the girls that wear the merchandise on a daily basis-- regular every-day people that may buy the clothing step in as our talents. We spent an entire day running round from location to location with a total of six models.
-Santa Barbara, California-
Above, A small project I set up with friends in Germany. Here, a conceptual ant-smoking Public Service Announcement shoot. We set this up in a small-town bar that belonged to a buddy, collected a few props, a fog machine and a few cigars. When lit with a few colored gels and some umbrellas we get this dramatic image.
Here, to continue the tradition called Coca-Cola... One of the studio additions to the be classic, drink classic campaign. Photographed on black glass and using some studio tricks to creating a chill. One of the more fun studio set-ups with a decent result to prove it. The ongoing project should produce more images soon.
Part of a 'be classic, drink classic' campaign photographed in Santa Barbara. Here, the concept involved modern girls in their environments. Once they open a bottle of classic coke they transform into their favorite icons from history. We used such names aas Marilyn Monroe, Lucile Ball, Cher and of course the above of Billy Holiday. Again, everything was photographed using only Nikon Speedlights with various lighting modifiers to create the desired effect.
-Santa Barbara, California-
This image was photographed as part of a stock/couples shoot. Here we wanted to portray a beach getaway in a romantic setting. We set up a little table with some chairs and even brought out the champaign. What I like the most about the image is the reflection of the couple in the glass-- adds some extra dimension to the picture.
-Santa Barbara, California-
Also One of the images from the lifestyle/fashion and catalogue shoot from back in the day. Here we wanted to play with symmetry within the scene. For this image to work, we placed a light directly behind the models (on hindsight, slightly harsh). My assistant held a fill from across the pool as I spent the time trying to hold the camera above water, while doggy-paddeling and attempting to direct and maintain a symmetric perspective--fun fun fun.
The fun thing about this image is that is actually just a test-shot. I photographed this outdoors in the middle of the summer-- I believe it was somewhere around 35 degrees C with what must have been 90% humidity level. I set up the diffusion panel and the glass plates, by which point I was sweeting so hard that I was literally blinding myself and had to call the shoot. The image turned out alright, however it was unusable for a few reasons. I wanted to post to show that even during mid-day with very harsh lighting situations one can create soft, smooth and flattering light with the right techniques.
-Rehoboth Beach, Delaware-
Part of a small 'studio' portrait project I was working on some time back... Here, using a 'triangle light' style, I could shoot mobile with my speedlights, a diffuser as a backdrop and one umbrella at camera angle. Each person was allowed to choose a color gel of their choice for the rim-light and boom...we had fun. Now these are by no means perfect-- maybe too much light spilling onto the face but it shows what a few mobile strobes and a little ingenuity can get you when on the go.
-Rehoboth Beach, Delaware-
Some more concept fun: "Destruction Barbie" This project was just a play with light... The set contains multiple different versions and outfits from this very 'cool' lighting style to a moon-lit version over a sunset light version-- basically we were playing with various moods. I like this shot because its simple yet effective in its execution. One of the other ones can be seen in the 'portfolio mash-up' post on the main page...
-IslaVista, California-
Luxemburg City... Here, I had to hang over the side of the city wall (seen right) to capture this image. For this to work, I patiently sat and waited for the perfect balance between natural, sunset lighting and artificial lighting in the scene. As said, this is a balance and not what most people would do in a lazy digital world and create and HDR, multi-layered image. As a result, the image has the balance one would expect without using a digital 'cheat' if you will. Being a small, yet beautiful town this is one of the more unique locations for an amazing image. I would recommend a day-trip to this town for anyone interested in old cities, great chocolate and friendly people!
-Luxemburg City, Luxemburg-
Part of a project from my last cross-country drive was to choose various scenes that were interesting and transform them into charchoal drawings, then place them in the scene and photograph them overlaping the original. This project contains about 15 sketches and can be found on the stand-alone blog page here: https://acrosstheusa2011.wordpress.com
-Grand Teton National Park-
Here, a typical image of a Cali-Girl hangen with her Oldsmobile along the beach in Montecito, California. This location and the surrounding areas are some of the nicest spots on the west-coast. Also, This view of a beautiful California sunset gives one that special feeling of serenity.
-Cali-Girl- California-
Here is a shot from a set I did some time back. The concept of the shoots, where basically 'what could happen if your bbq session went terribly wrong.' this is the fourth image in the project and by far not the most extreme. Since this blog is dedicated to a more neutral line of work safe for all to view, the other images will not be posted until a new website can be built. Hopefully soon I will be able to do so and share some of my favorite concept shoot.
-BBQ-04, California-
While cleaning gear and formatting some memory cards, I stumbled across some shots that 'fell through the cracks.' Not saying it's a great image but I rarely get shots of myself. I used this opportunity to enjoy a bottle of wine with my neighbors at the camp site and snapping some long-exposures as the moon rose over the canyon. I hope you'll check back for those images when the new web-page goes live.
For this shoot we spent the day on this beautiful property by the bay. The concept around the project was pretty basic: Lifestyle and catalog. Spending a solid six hours on location we went through three different topics, the above being the lifestyle shoot. The feel of the image was meant to be happy, cheerful and lite. The other projects went to a more fashion, catalog direction.
-Lifestyle Stock Shoot-- Delaware-

Part of a day spent photographing an amazing family and their three children. Here, spending about six hours with them, we photographed many stock concepts. The above image was supposed to represent creativity, imagination, youth, fun, flight and many other stock keywords that may allow for a future sale.
-Jones Family, Stock Shoot-- Goleta, California-
------------------------------------------------------------While cleaning gear and formatting some memory cards, I stumbled across some shots that 'fell through the cracks.' Not saying it's a great image but I rarely get shots of myself. I used this opportunity to enjoy a bottle of wine with my neighbors at the camp site and snapping some long-exposures as the moon rose over the canyon. I hope you'll check back for those images when the new web-page goes live.
Monument Valley, Utah - Oct. 13, 2011, 11:30 PM
2x Nikon SB-800 Speedlights-- one in tent, one outside on light stand
Nikon D200, Sigma 8mm, 100 ISO, f/5.6, 30sec.
Part of a complimentary colors project, here I photographed Janna at her home with her two dogs. The idea was to make the colors pop even more by using colors to compliment each other-- in this case red and cyan. Using a large soft box and a few speed lights to create the light we created this evenly well-lit scene.
-Santa Barbara, California-
Part of a complimentary colors project, here I photographed Janna at her home with her two dogs. The idea was to make the colors pop even more by using colors to compliment each other-- in this case red and cyan. Using a large soft box and a few speed lights to create the light we created this evenly well-lit scene.
-Santa Barbara, California-
For this shoot we spent the day on this beautiful property by the bay. The concept around the project was pretty basic: Lifestyle and catalog. Spending a solid six hours on location we went through three different topics, the above being the lifestyle shoot. The feel of the image was meant to be happy, cheerful and lite. The other projects went to a more fashion, catalog direction.
-Lifestyle Stock Shoot-- Delaware-

Part of a day spent photographing an amazing family and their three children. Here, spending about six hours with them, we photographed many stock concepts. The above image was supposed to represent creativity, imagination, youth, fun, flight and many other stock keywords that may allow for a future sale.
-Jones Family, Stock Shoot-- Goleta, California-
-Carl & Heather Drew-- Nashville, Indiana-
During my stay in Germany, I persuaded my friend Matze to pose with his old Mercedes Unimog. To do this we had to find a good location for the image to portray the right feeling. With my sister as my assistant, we all jumped in the truck-- my sister decided to sit in the flat bead with all the chainsaws... We took a rather zig-zag drive through the forest on barely visible trail, where only this style vehicle may pass. Once arriving on location, my sister had obtained a couple bruises from bouncing around. We set up this image using a large umbrella and two speedlights to optimize output. After capturing this image, we spent some time capturing Matze cutting trees. We drove some more trails before dusk began setting in and we had to call the shoot. This photograph is also part of my personal top ten from my collection of portraits.
-Matze Vogle -- Steinenbronn,Germany-
Here we had the chance to take the Newberry family out to an old Monastery to capture some awesome family pictures. Above, the father and son-- I had them pose in-front of this gate looking out in to one of the many court yards of the property. The image was a bit bland as there was no light under this portion of the building. We solved this issue by placing a flash in the hallway with a gel (filter), this gave use a nice warm tone and allowed the railing to shadow from behind, adding a bit of drama. Using a speedlight on camera as fill, we placed an umbrella to camera right as our key light.
-Newberry Family, Germany-
This shoot was a 'structured shoot.' What this means is, everything was planned and drawn out on paper-- from lighting positions and output, to locations, wardrobe, pose and of course exposure and general composition. This is a very well-planned shoot and allows for better coverage within the given time allowed to shoot on property...again, planning is everything! Sport shoots are some of my favorite style photography. Well, the set-up portraiture style-- you won't catch me shooting from the side-lines much. The 'structured' shoot allows for commercial-style lighting with dramatic poses and angles. It really is so much fun to see these images completed. The above shot for instance, has a fog machine in it to add drama and style. More of these pictures will be found soon on the new web-page, so check back then!
-'Warriors,' Carpenteria High School, CA-
Nick is an old friend from high school and we set out do do this shoot as a gift to his family. Located in historic Lewes, Delaware, the state park overlooking the bay is a beautiful spot to take pictures. we spent an hour out here along the beach and after sundown on the fishing pier. The weather was mostly gray that day so we needed to improvise. luckily there were clouds perceivable and it wasn't just a nasty gray blanket. This allowed us to fake sunlight using a flash with a gel (filter) on it. without this light the image would have been flat and far less flattering.
-Nick & Noah - Lewes, Delaware-
This picture was captured towards the end of my first cross-country trip. Driving from Delaware to California for the first time was a new adventure and an exciting eight days of zig-zag style exploration, till finally I ended at my destination in gorgeous Santa Barbara. The above image was obviously photographed at the Grand Canyon... I was sitting near a ledge overlooking this view and engaged in conversation with a lady in these bight colors relaxing next to me. Before we departed our separate ways, I naturally ask if she'd be kind enough to allow me to photographer her. This image is still one of my favored images among my work, it speaks 'me,' my language and my soul. It does sound cheesy, but the elements of her attire, with the slippers and the Holga camera overlooking this great vast expanse of unknown-- this new frontier. I guess, simply put, this image is inspiring.
-Grand Canyon, Arizona-
During a nine week photographic venture to Stuttgart, Germany, an opportunity arose to capture two children dressed in traditional clothing playing about an old castle. Here we spent a few hours setting up mini-shoots here and there, never using more than one flash with umbrella and a reflector dish held by my sister. This shoot was part 'portrait' for the parents and part 'concept' and 'stock' for my portfolio. This all, was off course pre-arranged with the family, besides-- it gave them a more concept-driven shoot layout and thus a classic perspective as seen above. In this case a dream-like fairytale theme fit everyone perfectly.
-Harper Kids, Germany-
Above, you can find another of my favorite images of all time. The sun had just set under the horizon. With two flashes on light stands, symmetrically directed from both left and right to the models, its near perfect. The warm light from the flashes really worked with the symmetry of the pose and rock/wood sculpture. With the location in Montecito, California, this presented itself to be a memorable spot to shoot. The rest of this 'stock' shoot was spent walking the beach and posing in natural, fun poses depicting a young, energetic couple.
-Montecito, California-
While in Germany in 2010, I was hired to take some pictures for a local family. I wish I could take complete credit for this image, but unfortunately I have to give that to someone else. My mother happened to be assisting my with the shoot as she lives in Germany-- she suggested this shot, and it worked out perfectly. If you pay close attention, the image contains six people, each placing one hand on the other.
-Pearson Family, Germany-
This image was supposed to be part of set of images of women in this 'sleeping beauty' or flower-framed portraits pose. This set was built in my living-room and only lasted as long as two people before I was forced to break the set down and move on to a new project. Here I am taking the picture from directly above my model using my Mamiya RZ67 medium format film camera. The negative was developed, then transferred to digital using an Epson scanner. I enjoy re-visiting this image because i believe it may inspire me to finally finish the project.
-Veronica Feliciano, 'Sleeping Beauty'-
Santa Barbara, California
Derion is a dance student at UCSB and was kind enough to model for a stock/beauty shoot I set up at my apartment in Santa Barbara. This photo was fun to set up as we needed to match the colors as closely as possible. This can all be accomplished with good lighting and a technical eye. The above image of Derion sells to the local bakery, coffee shop, or even in a magazine attached to an article. We were able to capture many solid images in this shoot including some amazing concept shots that I will post to my new web page soon.
-Derion Loman--Stock Shoot-
Santa Barbara, California
At my home in Dewey Beach, we have a summer trolly that runs between Dewey and the neighboring town Rehoboth. It is open air and pulled by a heavy-duty van. The Jolly Trolly has been a local attraction for many years. This picture was shot commuting on one of my many summer trolly-rides. The symmetry and color scheme really pops. Not having any recognizable people in the image allows for a generic yet commercially useful perspective.
-Riding the Jolly Trolly-
Dewey Beach, Delaware
This shoot was at Winterthur, an old DuPont estate in Wilmington Delaware. Here, I met up with a lovely actress from Philly. She brought with her a couple outfits that would fit the dream-like gardens and old architecture with-in the property. For a set of the shoot, we had her pose in the silver dress. With the right lighting and some movement, the dress showed so much dimension. This was one fun shoot, and the location will be re-visited soon, I hope.
-Winterthur, Delaware-
This shoot was at Winterthur, an old DuPont estate in Wilmington Delaware. Here, I met up with a lovely actress from Philly. She brought with her a couple outfits that would fit the dream-like gardens and old architecture with-in the property. For a set of the shoot, we had her pose in the silver dress. With the right lighting and some movement, the dress showed so much dimension. This was one fun shoot, and the location will be re-visited soon, I hope.
-Winterthur, Delaware-
Here, Gabi and Matt were willing to model for me. The shoot itself was more a beauty/fashion shoot but I opted to take a few pictures of them together for their wall. A little while into the shoot, with the sun setting over the bay in Lewes, DE we got the light we were waiting for. Here, using the warm light of the setting sun, a gold reflector to give a rim-light and a speedlight with umbrella, we get the cutest shot of the two of them.
-Matt & Gabi-
Lewes, Delaware
photograph was originally captured on 6x7cm medium format negative. It
was developed and digitally transferred to computer. The image was shot
in the hills of Santa Barbara/Goleta, CA. The image is a set-up shot.
After having a friend in his SUV stand next to the camera to illuminate
the road a little while, I signaled him to drive. I made sure to tell
him to stop before taking the far turn-- this way we got a smooth
light-trail down the road. Up on a rock, three friends of mine had to
remain standing very still for about 25sec, two of them holding
cigarettes. We all relaxed and enjoyed the view of the Channel Islands
after taking this photograph.
-Justine, Krista & Robb-
Goleta, California