Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Solstice Celebration (Santa Barbara, CA)

   Summer is finally here! Solstice is that time of the year where the sun is at it's highest point. In the Northern Hemisphere it happens June 20, in the Southern Hemisphere this date falls on about December 21. It is a celebration of life, love and the healing power of the sun. This is the largest art event in the Santa Barbara County area and draws over 100,000 visitors to the town of Santa Barbara-- all in one day. It began it's humble beginnings in 1974 as a birthday celebration for a well known mime and artist by the name of Micheal Gonzales. In honor of him, these festivities have continued to grow over 35 years later.
   This year, the opportunity presented itself to be a part of this fresh experience. Southern Californians truly know how to put on a fun show and have a fantastic time doing it. This feeling is swiftly passed on to everyone around them and, before you know it- you have an entire local community hopping to the beats of summer. The atmosphere in Santa Barbara was quite wild, with a massively colorful parade boasting themes from 'Alice in Wounderland' to traveling Gypsies and, well, Elvis showed up too. The various bands and Salsa dancers were perfectly choreographed, not only in audio but also in either step or elaborate dance as they made their way up State Street. The show all ends at Alameda Park with live music on two stages, food, fun activities for the children and a large beer-garden (that ran out of brew nearly an hour before closing.) With all the dancing, laughter, colors and sunshine, absolutely nothing could go amiss. If these festivities mark the beginning of summer, then it would seem 2010 has a pretty hot one ahead!   

Friday, June 25, 2010

"Pandora Blues?"

   Did anyone catch that little bug that supposedly went around, when you finally came to the shocking realization that no matter what you do, you'll never get to experience such an exotic and exhilarating place as Pandora? Even after sitting through the 2:40 hour movie 15 times and waking up in the middle of the night, sweating, wishing you could hop on a space shuttle for a six year crio-sleep to that magical moon... Still feel like Earth doesn't offer the goods? Well, if this is you-- you may need to work out some personal issues!
   The visual journey that one was led on, excited and stimulated the creative juices. It didn't take long to figure out that most anything created for the big screen, began it's journey somewhere in our own 'Ehwa' (Mother Nature.) Starting the search for similarities, led to a bright and illuminating conclusion: Pandora is everywhere, you just need to pay attention! Look closely, listen & feel your surroundings... if it's concrete you see and feel, it may be time to road trip my friends!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


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   If you are like me and live close to a Metropolitan area, you may know how good it feels to get away and just be surrounded by fresh air and trees as far as the eye can see. It truly is a sensational feeling, almost as if months of stress and frustration just melt away. Find yourself a snug spot under or in ;-) a Redwood and have a seat, close your eyes and just listen-- wow!!! 

   These lyrics from a Willie Nelson song seemed appropriate, considering we always find someone singing it while on a road trip.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Formal? Or, So Very Not!!!

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  The age old question on whether or not to shoot your wedding day traditionally or conceptually has always been a topic of interest to us. At the beginning of the century, people were forced to sit still for very long periods of time. The film used in those eras, required longer exposure duration to capture a correctly exposed photograph. Since, these exposure times could run from minutes to some hours long, models wore metal 'supports' or strengthening devices that would help maintain a correct posture. Naturally, with an exposure lasting so long, one was not able to hold a smile-- thus, everyone seemed to be having such a 'fantastic' time in these classic images.
   Over the century and especially these past fifteen years with the release of high-quality digital capture, the photo-journalistic realm of wedding photography has become a popular and inviting view of such special events. No longer do the Bride and Groom need to sit still for long periods of time, but the photographer has the opportunity to shoot in the realms of 'All Things Are Possible.' Now, the possibility of combining tradition, formal, journalism and conceptual ideas into one project has made a wedding shoot far more dynamic, emotional and exciting to capture.
   At Krogh Wedding Productions, we love to entwine a wedding shoot with of all these aspects of photography. Some may enjoy the photo-journalistic realm more than the conceptual route. We believe a studio should be able to produce on any of those levels. The final decision on how the day is captured, rest purely with the Bride and Groom.
   The above project shows an example of 'serious' formal work and what can happen when you really just want to have some good laughs. Now, this is only an example of the difference and we do not expect all Brides and Grooms to go this far-- this couple just wanted to have some 'new-fashioned' fun!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Krogh Wedding Productions -- TEASER!!!

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   We thought you may enjoy a small teaser of what's to come. These are a few proof photographs from Ted & Ashley Dezembers' wedding in Leavenworth, Washington.

   Complete works will be available for viewing soon. Prints will also be available to order through beginning July 2010. Check back soon!

Hipstamatic Camera-- Wedding Project!

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   Recently, we traveled north to Leavenworth, Washington to capture an absolutely beautiful Wedding at the foot of the Cascade mountains. This little town was formed after the logging industry collapsed and locals were forced to find new means of income. The solution that arose was to erect a new town from scratch to attract tourism. They built a new town in the likeness of traditional Bavaria. Everyone local, work the stores, various restaurants and of-course the beer gardens.
   A new application was released for the Apple iPhone that allowed the photographer to capture images that strongly resembled an old Hipstamatic Camera with the cheap plastic lenses and cheesy flash bulbs. As, shooting with a phone was never considered a real option for 'professional,' safe for work material, it was never used-- until now. It opened a new vista of creative thought on location and thus we chose to shoot a wedding project, partly with this program. Naturally, we would only use this material to accent the final portfolio-- location shots, casual images and the such. Please enjoy some of these photographs in this post.

Check out soon for the final portfolio from this event. See you then!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


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   We would like to thank you for visiting our newly started blog. Currently we are diligently working on going live with our new web-pages: &

Please visit us again very soon to enjoy behind the scenes footage and much more.